Win AULA F75

To celebrate reaching 5,000 followers, Aula Gear (@aula.gear) is giving away an AULA F75 Green keyboard! This giveaway is open from July 20th to July 29th and is open internationally.
To enter, simply follow Aula Gear on Instagram, like and save their giveaway post, tag two friends in the comments, and share the post on your story while tagging Aula Gear.
Important Note: Aula Gear warns of fake scam accounts. Be cautious and never share your private information with anyone other than the official Aula Gear account (@aula.gear).
:    aula.gear
:    $100
No. of prizes
:    1
:    free
Contest type  
:    Instagram Contest  
:    Register Contest  
:    2024-07-29


Win AULA F75 is a competition by aula.gear and has a prize pool of $100 for 1 prize. Not exactly generous in terms of value of the prize. Free entry is best. Keyboard enthusiasts, rejoice! Aula Gear is giving away a free AULA F75 Green keyboard to celebrate reaching 5,000 followers. Entering is easy and takes just a few clicks on Instagram. However, consider if you're interested in a mechanical keyboard specifically, as that's the prize offered. If you are, this giveaway is definitely worth a shot!
Our rating 1.5 of 5.0    ©WorldwideContests, 2024-07-22

Favorite typing companion. (Photo by Jacob Pretorius on Unsplash )

Terms and conditions of the contest "Win AULA F75"
according to the contests organizers. Date: July 20th- July 29th Prize: AULA F75 Green
© Copyright with aula.gear

Tips for joining a Register Contest

Check out the overview of contest types to learn more on how to enter and find similar contests. It's effortless to enter the Sign-Up competition. A single form with your contact information is all you need, and you're in the draw. In this case, it is crucial to ensure that the data is actually accurate. Please do not forget to include both your email address and a valid phone number so they can contact you if you are the winner. Also, your name must be spelled correctly, ideally matching your ID document. Finally, don't forget to include your date of birth (if they ask for it). Minimum age may be a requirement for specific programs, so you may not be eligible if you are too young.

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