Win Nintendo Switch Gaming / The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Giveaway

In the Nintendo Switch Gaming / The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Giveaway, participants have an opportunity to win a Nintendo Switch Console along with The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom game. The winner can opt for a $370 equivalent prize if they do not have a USA shipping address or prefer the cash value instead. The giveaway is open to individuals worldwide who are 16 years of age or older, with the exception that those residing outside the USA will receive a $370 prize via PayPal as the only substitution option. The physical prize will be shipped exclusively to a residential address within the USA.
:    $370
No. of prizes
:    1
:    free
Contest type  
:    Sweepstake  
:    Register Contest  
:    2023-06-23


Win Nintendo Switch Gaming / The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Giveaway is a competition by dragonblogger and has a prize pool of $370 for 1 prize. A prize of this value is not exciting enough. There is no fee for entering this competition. The Nintendo Switch revolutionizes gaming with its unique hybrid design, seamlessly transitioning between handheld and docked modes for immersive gameplay anytime, anywhere. Worth to win it for free! Participating to the giveaway is recommended.

Our rating 1.5 of 5.0    ©WorldwideContests, 2023-05-29

The Nintendo Switch revolutionizes gaming with its unique hybrid design. (Image courtesy of Unsplash)

Terms and conditions of the contest "Win Nintendo Switch Gaming / The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Giveaway"
according to the contests organizers. Dragon Blogger Sweepstakes Official Rules Dragonblogger Sweepstakes – Official Rules
1. ELIGIBILITY: Dragonblogger Sweepstakes (the “Sweepstakes”) is open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia over the age of 18 with access to the Internet at all times during the Sweepstakes and subsequent prize-award period unless otherwise specified by Dragonblogger. Non-US residents over the age of 18 may enter Internationally as well unless expressly prohibited by local regulations and law. All employees of Dragonblogger. (“Sponsor”), all associated agencies and each of their sales representatives, distributors, or agents (all of the foregoing, together with Sponsor, collectively referred to as “Sweepstakes Entities”), and their immediate family members (spouse, parent, child, sibling and their respective spouses) and those living in the same household of each (whether related or not), are ineligible to participate in the Sweepstakes. All applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. You must also be in good standing as a Dragon Blogger Mailing List subscriber or not be yet subscribed to the Dragon Blogger Mailing list. If your email address is found in the Dragon Blogger Mailing list (blacklist) for flagging the mailing newsletter as Junk/Spam or unsubscribing at any point, you will not be eligible to win unless you restore your subscription to good standing. Entry in the Sweepstakes constitutes your full and unconditional acceptance of these Official Rules. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A PURCHASE WILL NOT IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING.
2. SWEEPSTAKES PERIOD: The Sweepstakes entry period begins and ends on the time stamp listed in the sweepstakes widget (the “Sweepstakes Period”). Winners will be selected from entries properly submitted and timely received during the Sweepstakes Period.
© Copyright with dragonblogger

Tips for joining a Register Contest

Check out the overview of contest types to learn more on how to enter and find similar contests. It's effortless to enter the Sign-Up competition. A single form with your contact information is all you need, and you're in the draw. In this case, it is crucial to ensure that the data is actually accurate. Please do not forget to include both your email address and a valid phone number so they can contact you if you are the winner. Also, your name must be spelled correctly, ideally matching your ID document. Finally, don't forget to include your date of birth (if they ask for it). Minimum age may be a requirement for specific programs, so you may not be eligible if you are too young.

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